Browse Items (28 total)
Depicts floral patterns on the walls of Saint Basil's Cathedral
Depicts floral patterns on the walls of Saint Basil's Cathedral
Emperor Constantine I, presenting a model of the city to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Detail of the southwestern entrance mosaic in Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey).
Emperor Constantine I, presenting a model of the city to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Detail of the southwestern entrance mosaic in Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey).
The Turkish government has taken steps in recent years to refurbish the desolate monastery and re-convert it into a public mosque.
The Young Pioneers Stadium in Moscow.
A video of a railway terminal in Leningradsky station shows the old station's contemporary aesthetic.
A video of a railway terminal in Leningradsky station shows the old station's contemporary aesthetic.
Photo of the current Zaryadye Park site taken in 2013.
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