The Collapse (1986-1991): Their White House is Falling

Moscow White House

It is fitting for Mikhail Gorbachev and the last period of Soviet existence that the site chosen was not built during the era but rather, transformed in its use. After almost 20 years of construction, Moscow's White House was completed and put into use for the first time only a few years before the Gorbachev administration. Gorbachev saw this building as a beeken of hope and prosperity, with its transformation being the first step in his 'ressurection' plan for the USSR (1). Going back to our metaphor of the penduilim, it is clear, in hindsite, that Gorbachev may have swung too far with his lofty project. 

"It is difficult to violently suppress people in the long run, as the example of the Soviet Union has shown." - Dalai Lama

The First Panel Knocked Down of the Berlin Wall Marking the End of the USSR

Gorbachev Visiting the Berlin Wall on the 25th Anniversary of Its Falling

Gorbachev's idea of restructuring meant culturally and economically evolving the USSR towards the standards of the rest of the modern world. Thus, Gorbachev promoted openness politcally, economically, and socially. For a man most known for tearing down a wall, it is no surprise that most of his time in power consisted of tearing down political berriers and archaic social policies. While Gorbachev viewed himself as saving communism, many viewed his actions as a complete shift to the western capatalistic structure (1)(2). In the end, Gorbachev was able to institute political change, transforming the role of future leaders who would occupy Moscow's White House into the future. Despite Gorbachev's asspirations of a continued democratic confederation of communist countries, his urge for social freedom lead to seperatist movements forming at an uncontrollable pace (2). Before long, the Soviet Union was no more, and all that was left were cities tied together by their common history and, due to the architectural regulations, a common visual landscape.

Partially Destroyed Russian White House After 1993 Conflict



Fun Fact: During the 1993 Russian Constitutional Crisis, the White House was damaged by tank fire and stood unfixed, covered in black soot for months.




1. "Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev Facts, Information, Pictures ..." Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, 2004. Web. 23 Oct. 2016.
2. "Russia - The Gorbachev Era: Perestroika and Glasnost ..." Encyclopedia Brittanica. N.p., 2016. Web. 23 Oct. 2016.